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Hair Restoration Basics

Hair Restoration for Men in South Bay including El Segundo, Manhattan Beach, Hermosa Beach, Redondo Beach, Torrance, Lawndale, Hawthorne, Gardena, Carson, Lomita, Palos Verdes Estates, Rolling Hills Estates, Rancho Palos Verdes, and Rolling Hills.


Hair loss and hair thinning are very common problems for men in the United States. By the time they are 35 years old, the majority of men will have a noticeable amount of hair loss, which will only continue to worsen. In some cases, men’s hair loss can start as early as the beginning of puberty.


One of the most common causes of hair loss in men is androgenetic alopecia, which is also known as male pattern baldness or male pattern hair loss. This condition, which affects two-thirds of men, typically starts with a receding hairline or with hair thinning at the crown and progresses over time to affect most or all of the scalp.


Male pattern baldness occurs when a male has hair follicles with a higher level of sensitivity to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a by-product of testosterone. This sensitivity, which is usually hereditary, causes the hair follicles to shrink and fall out at an earlier stage.


– Causes of Hair Loss in Men

– Androgenetic alopecia (male pattern baldness)

– Other medical conditions, such as thyroid problems

– Emotional stress

– Physical stress

– Skin infections

– Poor reactions to medication


What is Hair Restoration?


Hair restoration stands as a surgical technique involving the extraction of tiny patches of hair-bearing sections of healthy donor scalp skin, followed by their implantation onto areas of the head that are balding or thinning. This surgical intervention is often termed as a hair reimplantation.


The Role of Hair Implants in Combating Male Hair Loss


Considering that the hair follicles situated on the peripheries and rear of the head are genetically coded to persistently grow even when confronted with male pattern baldness or hair loss, these follicular clusters prove ideal for hair implant surgeries in men. Upon hair revitalization through an ARTAS hair implant procedure, the hair follicles continue their growth, thus effectively eradicating bald patches and zones of scalp thinning. At Reflect Hair Regrowth, we employ cutting-edge techniques in hair reinstatement to aid our patients in achieving denser hair with an appearance more akin to nature.


Eligibility for Hair Restoration: Who Fits the Bill?


Numerous men exhibit outstanding candidacy for hair restoration. Evaluating a prospective candidate necessitates an exhaustive discussion with the individual, coupled with a meticulous assessment. Broadly, suitable candidates consist of men who have been grappling with hair loss due to male pattern baldness for multiple years. They must possess realistic expectations and recognize that despite prescription medications to impede progression, hair loss might still advance. Discover whether you’re a viable candidate for hair revitalization through Reflect Hair Restoration and the state-of-the-art ARTAS robotic hair implant system, accessible via our complimentary online hair analysis!


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Furthermore, men who have a long-standing history of stabilized hair loss patterns, along with ample donor hair, equally stand as excellent candidates. Others who qualify include those who’ve lost hair due to trauma, burns, or even preceding cosmetic surgeries such as facelifts.


What Does A Hair Restoration Procedure Entail?

Typically executed within a physician’s office under mild sedation and localized anesthesia, the procedure commences with a scalp preparation involving hair trimming and cleansing. Subsequent anesthetic injections render the scalp numb. Hair graft harvesting transpires using either of two methods: follicle unit transplantation (FUT or strip surgery) or follicle unit excision (FUE). For detailed insights into the ARTAS robotic hair restoration process, explore our ARTAS FUE hair implant video collection.


How Long Is A Hair Restoration Procedure?

Depending on donor area size and varying factors, the procedure’s duration commonly spans 4 to 8 hours.


How Many Hair Restoration Treatments Are Needed?

Hair restoration procedures offer the potential to regain a full head of hair. Essentially, hair transplant surgery entails repositioning and redistributing existing hair, resulting in substantial cosmetic enhancement. The frequency of procedures required hinges on the patient’s specific needs and the stage of their hair loss. Typically, achieving a “full” appearance necessitates multiple sessions.


How Soon Will I See Results From Hair Restoration?

The transplanted hair usually sheds within the first few weeks after the procedure and then starts sprouting as small-caliber hairs at around 3-5 months post-op. The hairs get progressively thicker over time and the fully matured transplanted hair is seen at 12-15 months. We often get the question “How Long Will It Take My New Hair to Grow?”. Get the answer to this question and get more information on post-procedure expectations in our hair transplant growth timeline.


How Long Is The Healing Process?

Initially, the transplanted hair tends to shed within the initial weeks after the procedure. Thereafter, at around 3-5 months post-operation, the hair sprouts as finer strands. Over time, the hair thickens progressively, with fully matured transplanted hair evident by 12-15 months. Frequently asked is the query, “How Long Will It Take My New Hair to Grow?”. Obtain the answer and further insights into post-procedure expectations via our hair implant growth timeline.


How Long Will The Hair Last?

Hair that is harvested for transplant from the back of the scalp is taken from an area known as the “safe zone”. This hair is typically not susceptible to hair loss. Therefore, the hair that is transplanted is permanent and will continue to grow.


Time to Try Robotic Hair Restoration of Torrance, California

At Reflect Hair Restoration, our Reflect Hair Restoration robotic hair restoration center, we can provide you with a follicle unit excision (FUE) procedure to help you obtain a head of hair that looks younger and fuller. Using the premier ARTAS® Robotic Hair Transplant System, we can accurately identify and harvest the follicular units that are best for hair transplantation. We fully stand behind this FDA-approved technology, which provides many benefits over the strip method (follicular unit transplantation) and manual FUE methods. We have completed over 500 hair transplants with ARTAS® giving us over 10 years of experience and expertise.


What Can I Expect During A Hair Restoration Consultation?

At the time of the consultation, you will meet with the patient consultant. A full scalp assessment and hair analysis will be performed, including an analysis of your donor region and areas requiring coverage. Multiple photos will be taken. A full treatment plan will be discussed and all questions will be answered.




Delivering a personalized hairline design for every patient with state-of-the-art precision, efficiency, and repeatability.


Advanced AI consistently analyzes, monitors and tracks each hair follicle's characteristics–position, angle, size, and orientation–and adjusts for patient movement.

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